✅ Twitter account with full completed NFT, over a month old, IP address from Europe ➤ Authorized Token ➤ 30+ followers ◾️ profile picture ◾️ banner ◾️ location ◾️ bio ✅ 100% valid ✅

$ 0.22


Twitter author accounts verified via email, are perfect for likes/posts/reposts/subscriptions.

Use only cookies/tokens to log in to the account! otherwise there is a high chance of verification request.

Includes login/password hotmail/another one, for accessing mail SMS may be required. Email password may not work.

Registration country - France.

Before buying a batch of accounts, buy a small amount and check if they suit you.

Twitter should be used from clean IPs. Also, it is not advisable to immediately perform a lot of activity on the account.

Format: username:password:email:email_password:auth_token