Telegram accounts for all your needs. Data format: (TDATA). Registered by Ip MIiX. Partially filled. Aged over 60+ days. Gender MIX. NOT DYING. ACCOUNTS VALID. Output format: Link. Information.

$ 1.16


Telegram accounts for personal use. VALID
1. Verified by SMS
2. Registered with MIX ip
3. Idle 60 days ago.
4. Gender: MIX
5. The accounts were in use and may still be. If 2Fa doesn't work, use as is.
6. Format: tdata">TDATA (Telegram Portable version required to work with accounts (not in the archive, download from the official website
Account format issued: Link to the account.


1) Download the archive from the link(s) in the text file.
For mass file uploading, use the MEGA Desktop App

2) Unpack the downloaded archive and place the Telegram.exe file there (not in the archive, download from the official website). That is, the tdata folder and the Telegram.exe file should be in ONE directory.
To avoid unforeseen problems, use the latest version of Telegram.

3) Run Telegram.exe and use the account.

User rules:
If accounts are mass banned on first run, double-check everything described below:

Before starting, make sure that no other Telegram process is open in Task Manager, if it is open, then end all processes
Accounts are recommended to be started on the latest version of Telegram.
Log in using a clean private proxy (preferably mobile)
Do not use free services to change IP
Do not log into multiple accounts from the same IP

Do not change the 2FA password ON ALL accounts IMMEDIATELY, they may get banned!


1 account = 1 proxy
First, buy a small number of accounts and test them,
Ctrl + Q - quickly close Telegram.