Telegram accounts. Data format: TDATA. Registered in Africa IP. Partially filled. Gender MIX. Complete 2FA may be incorrect! Pre-warmed accounts, have been used. Valid! Aged from 5-100 days.

$ 0.85


Accounts Telegram Valid! Accounts are warmed up, were used. With aging from 5-100 days. 1. Confirmed by SMS 2. Registered with IP AFRICA 3. Gender: MIX 4. Format: tdata">TDATA 5. 2FA PASSWORD: Password123 In very rare cases, a temporary geo-spam block is possible, it can be removed through the @spambot bot or let it pass itself. If 2FA is not included or did not fit. Use the account as is. Replacement is not included. Account format: LINK. Instructions: Download the necessary files from link(s) in the text file. For convenient download, use the MEGA Desktop App. Unzip the downloaded archive and place the Telegram.exe file in it (if it is not in the archive, download it from the official website). Make sure that the tdata folder and the Telegram.exe file are in the same directory. Run Telegram.exe and log into your account. Recommendations: To avoid problems, use the latest version of Telegram. Before starting, check that there are no other Telegram processes in the task manager and terminate them if necessary. It is recommended to use a clean private proxy to log into accounts.