ATGM ✅ VIP | Ukraine | STRONG FARM | +1-3 FP | 2-5 friends | 3+ posts | Email included | Token interests (EAAB), User-agent 7+ days farm

$ 6.80


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ SOCIAL PROXY VIP | Ukraine | +1-3 friends | Email Included | +Token (EAAB), +User-agent +7 days farming

2-5 friends
- 3+ posts 
- Facebook accounts registered manually in emulator through SMS;
- KING verified via email, working email included;
- Number removed to protect you from number check;
- Registration and all actions on accounts were done with Ukrainian IP;
- Gender female;
- Account names in Cyrillic;
- Token (EAAB), User-agent and Cookies included. Cookies in JSON format;
- 2FA enabled.

Format of provided accounts: Username:Password:First Name:Last Name:Fb_ID:Email:Email Password:2FA:User-Agent:Cookies:Act:Token;date_of_birth