USA FARM 14 + Days | SMS | E-mail | Cookies | Photo | FP | 2FA | User Agent | AUTOLOAD | IDEAL UNDER KING | ACCESS TO MAIL

$ 6.21


 Facebook Accounts | ip region: US | ip farm: US | farm days: from 10 | professional mode, profile picture, cover photo, bio, email, EAAB Token

 Accounts are registered in the official Facebook mobile application with a phone number. The account includes a profile picture, cover photo, filled biography, professional mode activated, email linked, two-factor authentication enabled (not on all accounts), and the EAAB token extracted. Total farm duration of accounts is 10+ days. An interest is assigned to the account, based on which community search takes place. Private mobile proxies from the US are used for farming. A FUN PAGE is created. Advertising is present in the profile.