Facebook accounts USA | Selfie passed | Verified by SMS and email. Email included | Cookies included | Profile filled out. Added avatar, cover photo, 3-8 photos, 0-100 friends | Gender: F | Names: EN | Reg. USA IP

$ 1.78


  • The Facebook accounts are registered automatically.
  • The accounts were created with a mobile USA IP.
  • Verified by e-mail, email included.
  • [PVA]The accounts are verified by SMS.
  • Selfie passed.
  • Female gender.
  • The name of the accounts uses the Latin alphabet (Selena Swenson, Dolores Shultz).
  • Profile picture has been added to the profile, 3-8 additional photos.
  • Access token EAAB and Cookies included. Cookies in JSON format.
  • Added 0-100 friends.

Occasionally there may be no photo - this is not a reason for replacement.

Log into accounts only with the proxy of the country of registration! Otherwise, there will be an error with the password, although the password is correct. There are no replacements and refunds in this case.

Format of accounts:

  • Login:Password:Email:Email_password:Cookie


There may be problems with cookies when working with dolphine, the store is not responsible for this. Try to buy fb accounts in a small amount up to 10 pieces and test for your purposes.

To get started, buy few Facebook accounts for testing to make sure they are good for you.