King Farm Accounts 90+ days | PRO mode | Filled | FP | Email | EAAB, Cookies | 2FA | US IP | Advertising in the feed

$ 4.53


Accounts are over 3 months old. Many have 100+ friends, some even have 1000+.

Each account is assigned a unique interest upon creation, which forms the basis for all further work. This includes activity on Facebook and beyond.

Accounts are at least 90 days old. Farming period is also 90 days or more. During this time, more than 20 warming and account filling sessions have been conducted.

Wall posts, community subscriptions, reposts, likes, and comments. Posts on their own news feeds. All accounts display ads in the feed.

All accounts have passed selfie unban, registered via SMS, and have an email linked with access to it. Service - Login and password for the email are included with the account. Email accounts are not banned, and emails from Facebook consistently arrive.

2FA (two-factor authentication) is enabled on the accounts.

These accounts are great as a King for transferring RK chats for launching from other accounts, as well as for launching directly from the accounts.

You can start running ads immediately after purchase. There is no need to track and warm up the account; it is fully ready for work!

It is recommended to import the account into browsers using the included Cookies. Use proxies based on the account's GEO to avoid logouts and checks when first opening the account.

The account is delivered in the format: Full Name : Date of Birth : Login : Account Password : Active Email : Email Password: UserAgent : EAAB : Link to selfie photo: Cookies for anti-detect browser : News Feed : Account ID : Account GEO : Account Interest (for which it was farmed) : 2FA code