⚡️SALE⚡️ - VIP OLD KING UA | Ukraine | Very good farm | Account age 90+ days | Friends 50-1000 | Email with access | 2FA | Account fully filled | High trust | Has photos, messages, friends, interests | Very strong account | Perfect for long-term work | User-Agent; Token; Cookies.

$ 6.30


- Registration on real devices; - Farming 60+ days. Imitation of actions of a real person, unique farming for each account; - Each account after registration is linked to a unique interest, on the basis of which all further work is built. Including activity on Facebook and outside of it; - Farming time 60 days or more. During this time, more than 30 sessions of warming up and filling the account were made; - Added 50-1000 friends; - Posts on the wall, correspondence, subscriptions to communities, reposts, likes and comments. All accounts display ads in the feed; - All accounts are registered on SMS. Email with access to http://firstmail.ltd is linked to the accounts; - Most of the accounts were on selfies and passed it. Due to this, trust is increased and the risk of flying out on selfies is reduced; - Accounts are great for KING; - Advertising can be launched immediately after purchase. No need to monitor and warm up the account; - User-Agent; Token; Cookies. Output format: Full name: Date of birth: Login: Account password: Current email: Email password: UserAgent: EAAB: Photo link for selfie: Cookies for anti-detect browser: FP: Account ID: Account GEO: Account interest (by which it was farmed): 2FA code