VK - Autoviews of posts on the wall with inclusion in statistics - price for 1 day

$ 0.48


If you want to order a service for 30 days - buy 30 items. We will automatically add any amount (specify how many) of views to new posts on the group/account wall. After purchase, write to support at https://dark.shopping/page/contact with the order number, links to your group/account, approximate number of views per post, and the number of days you are ordering the service for. To avoid suspicion from VK, we will provide a random number of views on posts. For example: You ordered a service for 7 days and 100 views per post, and during these days you posted 10 posts. You will receive between 90 and 110 views for each post posted in these 7 days. Views are counted in statistics (this increases the rating of the group/account).