
$ 3.19


✔️ Registration with private IP ️
✔️ Names (ENG) ✔️
✔️ 2 FA on all accounts ️
✔️ Accounts in TDATA format ️
✔️ Registration on phones in the official application ️
✔️ The password is located in the TDATA folder and signed as Password✔️
For this format, you need to download the official telegram desktop app. Install Telegram in any folder, then where Telegram is installed, move the TDATA folder to this directory and click on the telegram exe, you are in the account.
It is mandatory to use 1 account 1 proxy.
Proxies must be enabled before logging into the account.
Also, for replacement of accounts in case of invalid from the moment of purchase to the moment of verification, if it is not visible in the video that proxies are installed before logging into the account, there will be no replacement!