Twitter Accounts | Filled with NFT theme. Avatar, banner, bio, location are added. Email verified. +Token.

$ 0.27


  • Twitter accounts are automatically registered on Mix ip.
  • Completely filling in the NFT theme.
  • Added avatar, banner, bio, location.
  • Subscriptions and followers (0-50), posts (0-6).
  • Confirmed by mail (may not work either without a password in the kit).
  • Format: login:password:mail:password:auth_token.

Log in via Token, otherwise, the account may request verification.

Recommendations for purchase:

  • Use proxies when working with accounts.
  • First buy a small number of accounts(up to 5) and test them.

A 20-minute guarantee is provided for the goods after purchase. For replacement or refund in case of account inoperability, you must have a video recording from the moment of purchase, until the problem occurs. Be sure to connect private clean proxies before opening accounts (do not use free ones).
