✌️✌️✌️ GEO Ukraine, interest-based farm 20+ days, ✌️✌️✌️ Profile is fully completed, Avatar+, Background+, 7-9 photos, 10-50+ friends, Phone number+, Email+, EAAB+ token Cookies+ UserAgent+

$ 7.20



  • Registration on emulator;
  • Farming based on interests for 20+ days;
  • Profile fully complete;
  • EAAB token;
  • Female gender;
  • Added avatar, background +7-9 photos;
  • 10-50+ friends;
  • E-mail linked, included (https://firstmail.ltd/webmail/login);
  • Advertisement banner in feed;
  • Cookie and User-agent included;

  • We recommend that you log in to accounts using a proxy of the registration country! Otherwise, Facebook will issue an error with the password, even though the password is correct. Replacements and refunds are not provided in this case.

    In case of ZRD, replacement is provided.

    If after purchasing, you logged in to the account, and it was banned, send the account to us immediately, we will check the account, find out the reasons for the block and when it happened, and if it was not your fault, you will receive a replacement.

    We recommend checking the validity immediately, because replacements are issued within one hour after the purchase.