❤️ UA GEO, ❤️ SELFIE CHECK PASSED ❤️, registered to a number in November-December 2023, email+, Avatar+, background+, Token EAAB+ Cookies+ UserAgent+

$ 2.00



  • Registered via Ukrainian mobile IP in November-December 2023!
  • Selfie verified;
  • NO ZRD at the verification moment (ZRD replacement);
  • EAAB token;
  • Female;
  • Avatar, background (Some may be missing)
  • Mail is connected, included;
  • Registered on a phone number;
  • Cookie and User-agent included;
  • Format of result:  login|pass|id|eaab|ua|cookies

  • We recommend logging into accounts using the registration country! Otherwise, Facebook will issue a password error, although the password is correct. Replacements and returns are not provided in this case.

    In case of ZRD replacement is included.

    If after purchase you log into your account and get banned, send us the account immediately, we will check the account to find out the reasons for the ban and when it happened. If it was not your fault, you will receive a replacement.

    We recommend checking for validity immediately, since replacements are issued within an hour of purchase.