UA | 15+ days FARM ⭐️(Unique Method)⭐️KING ✅ PZR ✅ | Warmed FP of NEW TYPE + Photo for passing ZRD +Friends + 2FA (SMS + Emal + Cookie + UserAgent + Token EAAB) Aging 6 mo+

$ 8.00


- Farm from 15 days on UA mobile proxies
- Curing from half a year
- Accounts are registered and confirmed by phone and mail, mail is not working anymore
- There are cookies from which the account was registered (very trusted)
- On each account a new type of FP is created and warmed up
- FP already has a minimum coverage of users
- Profile is filled in, photos are added
- Friends are only compatriots, no Indians
- High-quality farming by interests

- Fast replacement in case of invalidation, without unnecessary questions
- Support works seven days a week and holidays