Ukraine Powerful Manual Farming. 50+ friends and interests. AVATAR+2FA+TOKEN+COOKIE+POST+BIO+FP+INTEREST

$ 6.27


1) Completed profile:

- Profile and cover photo set

- Posts on the profile wall

- Profile is completed

2) Confirmed by email, email included

3) Joining, viewing and liking posts in thematic groups

4) A feed is created, recommendations and news from groups and friends are displayed

5) Ads are displayed in the feed (imitating the profile of a real user)

6) 50+ friends

7) Created public page with posts

8) Interests are formed on the account and displayed in the Interests panel

9) Identity has been confirmed by sending a selfie (Selfie-Check)

Output format: Login:Password:Date of birth:Facebook_ID:user agent:token:email:password:Cookie JSON:2fa codes