BM with FBPA (Facebook Business Manager Restored), 3 Pcs. Invite Link #5.2.0

$ 2.24


BM with FBR, so elevated trust. FBR is fresh with a date of March 18-23.

Most accounts do not show the FBR label, as Facebook has hardly issued it in recent weeks. Get used to the new realities. As proof of FBR, you will find a link to a screenshot of the donor's letter about this BM's FBR in the line:


And often FB throws on repeated BM FBR now, or on the yellow status "Restrictions will be applied to the account soon". Even without activity, dumbly on cooldown, so don't panic, if FBR goes through again, on the second time FBR BM seems to pass without problems. 

Mail confirmed. BM was created in browser mode, not via API. 

The old admin is removed. Full rights, as shown in the first screenshot. 

Since sometimes Facebook does not allow buyers to remove the old administrator (my "donor")  in the first days after transferring BM, I will periodically (1..2 times a month) run the process of exiting BM on donors if there are already other administrators there. This has been requested for a long time. There is a disadvantage though: unused invite links will stop working. So if you want to add new administrators, you will have to generate the link yourself from your first admin. 

Output format (delimiter tabulator):

[ link1 link2 link3 BM_ID  FB_ID_Donor date_of_FBR_completion  screenshot_of_FBR_letter ]


[**7t**JsL**x5co 35860917*****76 6155723*****39 20.03.2024 7:21:33 ]

BM-add 1iz3    2iz3 

 3iz3BM-AQ Screenshot-2024-03-23-210213

  BMs    BM-Ludo