Facebook - GEO Germany, fully manual registration with a phone number (Unattached), Professional mode enabled, gender: FEMALE, +avatar+ background +5-9 photos, @outlook.com email + EAAB Token + Cookies + UserAgent

$ 2.80



  • Registered with mobile IPs from Germany;
  • Perfect for launching ads!
  • EAABs Token;
  • Added avatar + overlay + 5-9 photos;
  • Registered with a phone number (Unbound);
  • Email Verified (@outlook.com included);
  • Cookie and User-agent included

  • Obtained advertising campaign tokens. Accounts are suitable for manual and automatic uploads.

    If you logged into your account after the purchase and there is a ban, write to the support service and do not take any other actions.

    Or if at the first login to your account it has already flown into the ZRD, then a replacement is provided.

    Send the account to us immediately, we will check the account, find out the reasons for the blocking and when it happened. And if it's not your fault, you will receive a replacement.

    We recommend checking for validity immediately, as replacements are issued within an hour after purchase.

    We recommend using accounts for login and use