(KAZAKHSTAN) Facebook - Accounts with Friends 0-50+ | +FB. Profile filled, avatar, cover, 3-8 photos, FB name, SMS+, email+. Mail: mail.ru: Token(EAAB): Cookies (MANUAL FARMING + TOKEN) - +2-6x FB PAGES

$ 1.73


Kazakhstan. Facebook accounts for advertising - 5-20 photos + 0-50+ friends + COOKIES + EMAIL - Manual farm + TOKEN + FP
Account Trust:  

Perfect for advertising and Business Managers.

About the account:

• BM is not created, but you can attach.

Excellent for advertising.

• Cookie format is JSON. 

• Male and female genders (mixed)

• Number of friends: 0-30+

• Profile is filled with 5-20 photos.

• Manual farm.

- There are 2-6 pages created.