$50 | USA | Country USA | Registration via number | 2FA + Avatar + FP + Mail + Token + Cookies + User Agent

$ 1.33


Саморег, USA. Registration via SMS + was verified via an email, which is included

in the same package as the account

Gender - female. Photo and cover are uploaded to the profile. Received token, cookies

and user agent. All the actions in the account were done from a US ip

Suitable for using in autoposting. 

Two-factor authorization is enabled. The package includes 2FA codes. There is

a key for receiving new

codes via http://2fa.live/ 

Additional preparation of the accounts:

  • Linked email, accounts are complete
  • 1-2  farming sessions within 1-3 days
  • Created Fan Page
  • Enabled PRO MODE

Format: FullName, login:password, email:email password, date of birth, account id, user agent, Token EAAB, cookies, 2FA