We will feature the YouTube video in Recommended.

$ 72.50


Not suitable for Shorts videos!

This service includes at least 5000 video views on YouTube, most of which come from your channel's pages, and the rest - directly from YouTube Recommendations.

Since the video is recommended, you get significantly more views (there have been cases where videos received tens of thousands of views)!

Main execution parameters:

- Guaranteed retention of over 5000 views

- Video included in the Recommended list

- Views only from real people

- No manipulation with counters and analytics

- Social activity

Since the video will be recommended, you can get significantly more views (even multiple times more). Everything will depend on the interestingness and quality of your video, the attractiveness of the title, video, and cover, as well as other parameters that YouTube operates with.

The duration of the view also depends on how interesting people find your video when they click on it.

Views increase the CTR of your video (if you don't know what it is, google "CTR video," it's a very cool advantage)!

Required for Order:

Specify the link to your video.

It is not essential whether the video is old or just released. The order takes on average: 5-6 days.