USA Facebook SMS+ | User Agent + Token | Cookie JSON | BUSINESS MANAGER | FPUSA Facebook SMS+ means that you can receive text messages from Facebook in the USA.User Agent + Token refers to a combination of user agent and token, which are used for authentication purposes.Cookie JSON is a format for storing data in the form of JSON using cookies.BUSINESS MANAGER is a feature on Facebook that allows users to manage their business accounts.FP could refer to several things and a specific context is needed for accurate translation.

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- Registration for real devices; - Geo USA; - Confirmed by SMS; - Confirmed by email (email included); - Added avatar + cover; - EAAB, Cookies, UserAgent included; - Created FanPage; - Suitable for linking faces to King; - BM on the account. Format: Name, username, password, email, email password, date of birth, account id, user agent, EAAB, cookies.