Published on 09.03.2022


Instagram is no longer just an album with photos for friends, but a powerful commercial platform for promoting your product, service or developing a personal brand. It gets harder and harder to stand out from the competition every year. There is a way out - always be aware of innovations and implement them among the first. Find out about all the Instagram trends before your competitors get ahead of you. We will go through creative tips for Instagram in this article. Do you want to learn more? Get ready and keep reading!


Why is it important to follow trends?

Latest data shows interesting statistics on the development of social networks over the past year. The market grew by 7.6%, now social networks are used by 4.72 billion people, and 26.5% go to social networks only to make purchases. What does it say? Competition is growing, you need to stand out and be aware of all the newfangled trends and novelties. It is problematic to develop simultaneously in all social networks, it is easier to choose one thing. The Instagram application is becoming more and more popular and is one of the five most popular in the Apple App Store.


Trendy Instagram colors in 2022 

Let's be honest, you came to Instagram for the money, right? You can monetize a blog in different ways: advertising, selling goods, services, information products. The visual is an important component, because your feed is a kind of showcase that should catch the user’s attention from the first seconds. Use trendy chips and colors.


Here are the creative and trendy colors of Instagram in 2022:

  • Mykonos Blue;

  • Leprechaun;

  • Fire Whirl;

  • Pale Rosette;

  • spring lake;


All colors are juicy, bright, flashy, a light base will help to dilute them. You can also use interesting shades:

  • Ultimate gray - calm gray;

  • Coconut Cream - white with peach undertones

  • Soybean - soy, light beige

  • Olive Branch - muted olive.

The right combination of basic shades and flashy colors will make your feed harmonious, interesting and memorable. People want to see colors and you have to be ready for this.


Colors are not enough

We figured out the colors, but this is not enough. The photo content also needs to be perfect. Leave selfies and the same angles for friends, other “chips” are used in a commercial account. Which photo will get the most likes?


Authenticity and carelessness

Presets, glamor, and deep retouching are no longer in vogue. Show yourself without makeup, open up to subscribers, in return they will trust you more. And it is always more pleasant to buy from close people.


Dynamics. Photos in motion are gaining momentum. 

Show your product in an interesting way. Clothes, bags, accessories, sports equipment are easy to demonstrate in this vein. Take a photo of the model in turn or while walking. Users will also like the laid-back production footage. It is interesting to watch how something new is born. Consider other dynamic photos. Two frames out of nine will be enough. Another trend is blurred photos. You can blur an image in a couple of seconds.


User Generated Content (UGC). 

Content that your users create. Publish posts with customer stories, tell how they benefited from using a product or service. This new kind of feedback is aimed at trust, everyone is tired of ordering comments. Show a customer wearing clothes from your store or offer a discount for a video review.


Emphasis on color. 

A bright detail on a black and white background looks stylish and attracts attention. Consider the feed of the well-known brand Nike, the page has 183 million subscribers. By the way, Nike is in the top 3 most promoted after Instagram itself and National Geographic. The main tones are dark, but there are also bright accents, diluting the picture with frames in dynamics. Check the image below - here is the IG account of Nike.